On-Site Customer Service:
We have a dedicated team for Onsite Support customer service solutions for 24x7X365. Our on-site customer support is provided in person, right where you are. We designed this type of customer support to help customers with complex technical issues mostly related to IT technical issues, installation, or maintenance. Since such tasks require technical troubleshooting skills, we have a dedicated team with experience to do this kind of job.
Our On-Site Customer Support Areas:
Network Support
Our network support team will maintain the network to ensure it is secure and performs as expected. They will run software to identify hotspots, bandwidth limitations, and bottlenecks, early indicators an upgrade is required.
Software support
Our software support team can be involved in maintenance as well as fault resolution. It’s important to ensure any software used is maintained at the current version. Patches often include fixes or improvements for security and performance. Our software support team will test and update new releases of all software. The software support team will maintain a helpdesk facility to log all potential faults.
Hardware support
This is where you will see the most benefits from having support from our hardware support team. Our team will prepare laptops or desktop computers, often with a standard build of the software, for new employees and they maintain a log of where hardware is distributed plus redundancy timescales, to ensure replacements are ready as needed. And any issues with hardware normally require a physical support presence.